
Responsible for the content of the homepage:

Company:GNT Mobility GmbH
DI Thomas Guntschnig, MBA
Adress:8010 Graz

Responsible for the design and programming:

Name:DI Thomas Guntschnig, MBA
Adress:8010 Graz


The layout of this website, the graphics and images used and all content are protected by copyright. All rights of reproduction and distribution by means of special processes (e.g. data processing, data carriers and data networks), even in part, are reserved by the operator or the respective author.
Legal notice and liability notice: All information serves for personal information – a commercial use of the editorial descriptions/structuring as well as the use of applications on other servers than that of the operator is permitted only with express permission of the authors. No liability is assumed for errors in the text or incorrect links. The respective operators are responsible for the contents of the offers found. A commercial use of the data is not permitted, as for example for the structure of own search systems and services and/or directories of any kind. In addition, the automatic readout of data by software is prohibited.


The author assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the author relating to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded, unless there is evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of the author. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

Data Protection & Privacy

If the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of these data takes place voluntarily. The use and payment of all offered services are permitted – if and so far technically possible and reasonable – without specification of any personal data or under specification of anonymized data or an alias. The use of published postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers and email addresses for marketing purposes is prohibited, offenders sending unwanted spam messages will be punished. We expressly reserve the right to take legal action against senders of so-called spam mails who violate this prohibition.